Crusader Club: Mission

Mission of St. John the Baptist Catholic School Athletics St. John’s Athletics Program is committed to fostering a Christian spirit of sportsmanship, fitness, healthy self-image, and ability to work with others as a team.
Athletic Philosophy As a Catholic school, St. John’s upholds Christian values and principles. We recognize the real value of Catholic school athletics is realized only if it fosters the development of the human person both in spirit and in body. We strive to cultivate Christian character, strengthen personal integrity and responsibility, and promote the pursuit of excellence in all endeavors. We accomplish this through the collective effort and shared responsibility of all parents, students, coaches, school staff, and parish community. Participation on a St. John’s athletic team is a privilege. This privilege carries responsibilities in the areas of preparation, attitude, sportsmanship, and academics. These responsibilities exist both in and out of school, as well as in athletic and non-athletic settings.